Saturday, February 8, 2014

Southwestern Chicken Salad

I love a good salad! This week I signed up to take a new mom in our neighborhood a meal... And this is exactly what I took- she even emailed me and said she had enough for the next day :)

Southwestern Chicken Salad
1 bag of mixed greens
2 cups of diced fajita mix ( onions and all three colors of peppers)
1 bag of already cooked southwestern grilled chicken strips ( I get these for $1.00 and freeze them during super doubles) 
1 cup of diced sharp cheddar
1 avocado cut into wedges
1/2 cup of black beans ( rinsed and drained)
Ranch dressing

Mix all ingredients together and then add in the ranch dressing effort ou serve. Garnish with cilantro. 

Served with corn muffins and taquitos! 

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