Wednesday, July 3, 2013

4 Benefits of Being a Working Mom

Sara Sutton Fell from Flex Job Professionals wrote this article on the Benefits of being a working mom. I thought it was excellent to share as so many of us are working mothers and are trying to balance our lives. What do you think are the benefits of being a working mom? I think the number one benefit of being a working mom is the ability to provide for my son opportunities that would not be available otherwise. That is what I want him to remember when I am at work. We do everything for them.

Although historically the workplace has not always been a supportive environment for working moms, there has been and continues to be a lot of progress in this area. I personally feel this is important because millions of mothers work – some who choose to, but more who have to financially – and while it’s often a constant juggle/struggle, there can be many benefits for both working moms and their children.

Here are some reasons which stem from both my professional experience in talking with hundreds of women, as well as from my personal experience:

Working does wonders for my patience and enthusiasm with my kids.
Being a mom is the single most difficult (and amazing, rewarding, beautiful, etc.) job I will ever have, but it is also a big identity-shift. There are so many parts of being a mother that are humbling, out of my control, heartbreaking, and stressful (and again, equally as amazing, rewarding, beautiful, etc.), that sometimes I can feel drained, exhausted, and at my wits end. So honestly, going to my professional job gives me a break to feel like the independent, capable, respected person I was before my kids, and allows me to be reminded that I am still that person. Then, when I am home with my kids, I can be a mother to them from a more refreshed, mentally strong, and well-balanced perspective.

Working helps my children learn to respect women as equals.
I think it’s important that my children learn to respect women as equals, and I believe that one of the ways I can teach them that is to have them see my husband and I as a team – “the adults” go to work, and “the kids” go to school.

I am teaching my kids that hard work, and working hard, is a good thing.
Just this morning as I was dropping my son off at preschool, he yelled out to me as I was leaving, “Bye Mommy! Have fun at work!” And I responded, “I will! Have fun at school!” Something as simple as that puts a smile on my face, as he sees my example that work is a good thing, and something important…not that it’s a detractor to my day or our relationship.

Retaining my professional career allows me to contribute financially to my kids’ well-being and future.
Bottom line – Kids are not free, or cheap. My husband and I are able to provide a better and more stable life for our children on both a daily basis, as well as for their future opportunities, because I work and contribute to our family budget. We are able to take good care of our kids when they’re sick and need healthcare, feed them healthy food for their bodies and minds to have what they need to grow, provide them opportunities for education, travel, sports, and adventures that help open their young eyes to the world.

So here’s to all the working moms out there, whether by choice or necessity — you’re doing important work for both your professions and your families! And if you’re a mom who is returning to the job market after a hiatus to raise children, check out my tips for working mothers and fathers who are returning the workforce after a break.

- See more at:

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