Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Morning Challenge

This month we are going to make a strong effort to save money while simplifying our morning routine. My husband is a firefighter so for 2 out if every 3 mornings he isn't home when we wake up. I have exactly 45 minutes before the nanny gets here to get myself dressed and fed, the dog fed and taken out and Henry taken care of. 

I will admit the last couple months I've been hitting up the drive thru or Starbucks frequently for coffee and oatmeal. This is not really necessary considering at work we have a microwave and a fridge.... We also have free coffee. So I need to get my act together. 

We are challenging ourselves to the Morning Challenge. 

1) we will eat breakfast and the first coffee of the day at home during the week. We will allow ourselves to eat breakfast out on the weekends if we are home- this will include Starbucks, the donut shop or bagel shop.

2) we will prepare our breakfast (if possible) ahead of time. This goes for my husbands breakfast he has to take to work... Cutting up fruit...preparing oatmeal. This also includes making sure we have coffee, milk and orange juice in the house on Sunday for the week.

Do you want to take the challenge with us? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day you know!

How much time and money will you save?

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