Friday, December 27, 2013

It is a Mister Rogers Type of Morning

The New Year is a new beginning for many people. I will be posting some New Year's Resolutions next week, but I thought it would be a fitting time for some motivational quotes by none other than Mister Rogers. His show was always one of my favorites and I never understood how meaningful he was until now that I have my son.

I hope some of these quotes inspire you in your day to day life.

1) Who you are Inside is What Helps you Make and Do Everything in Life.

2) Little by Little we Human Beings are Confronted with Situations that Give us More and More Clues that we Aren't Perfect.

3) Discovering the Truth About Ourselves is a Lifetime's Work, but it's Worth the Effort.

4) To Love someone is to strive to accept that Person Exactly the Way He or She is, Right Here and Now.

5) You Rarely Have Time for Everything you Want in this Life, so you need to Make Choices and Hopefully your Choices can Come from a Deep Sense of Who you Are.

6) There is No Normal Life that is Free of Pain. It's the very wrestling with our Problems that can be the Impetus for our Growth.

7) The World Needs a Sense of Worth, and It will Achieve it Only by its People Feeling that they are worthwhile.

8) There are Three Ways to Ultimate Success: The First Way is to be Kind. The Second Way is to be Kind. The Third Way is to be Kind.

9) Often when you Think You're at the End of Something, You're at the Beginning of Something Else.

10)The Real Issue in Life is not How Many Blessings we Have, But what we do with our Blessings. Some People have Many Blessings and Hoard Them. Some have Few and Give Everything Away.

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