Saturday, December 14, 2013

Quick and Easy Pizza Dough

This recipe makes 2 set of dough - enough for 2 - 13 inch pizzas. It is super simple and you can even freeze it! I like to make a batch each month - it will save on ordering pizza in but it is also much more tasty!

Pizza Dough
3 cups of flour
1 1/3 cup of cold water
1 packet of rapid rise yeast
1 tsp of salt
1 tbsp. of extra virgin olive oil
1/2 tbsp of dried rosemary
1 tbsp. of sugar

combine dry ingredients in kitchen aid mixer with a dough attachment. On low - add olive oil and cold water until dough like consistency. If it becomes too sticky - add a little flour (1 tsp at a time)

Spray inside of glass bowl with baking spray. Place dough in glass bowl. Get 1 piece of plastic wrap spray the inside with baking spray and lay on top of glass bowl. Cover with towels and let rise for 1 hour in a warm, dark place.

Separate into two equal portions. Freeze unused dough in 1 inch thick round patties wrapped in plastic wrap and in a Ziploc bag.

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